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  3. PGGM&CO - Being relevant for Healthcare professionals

Hyper personalization for 765.000 healthcare professionals


PGGM&CO is a Dutch member association supporting healthcare professionals to become and stay mentally, physically and financially healthy. Their philosophy is that 'one can only take care of another if they are taken care of themselves'. The platform pggmenco.nl provides real life stories, information, products, tips and advise on personal, mental and financial level.

uMarketingSuite is being used as the personalization engine to score content and to gather behavioral data of visitors and platform members. The data stored on visitor profile level gives a solid 360° profile overview of what currently is the interest of a healthcare professional. Content is spread over the three main pillars 'Mental', 'Physical' and 'Financial'. Each main pillar contains sub topics where the related content teams create specific content for. All these diverse topics (16 in total) have their own 'lifecycle'. For example; a visitor may stay interested in the topic 'career' for a longer period then they would be for the topic 'sleeping problems'. This creates very specific 360° visitor profiles which lead to hyper personalization of content.

360° visitor profiles enables hyper personalization

The inhouse marketing, development and content departments are in charge of this platform and are constantly monitoring and improving their activities and content funnels. By setting up a perfect mix of gated and ungated content they create a natural flow of non-members turning into members. To be able to anticipate on all member activity the uMarketingSuite is connected to their Customer Data Platform (CDP). By doing so all marketing activities like seminars, workshops, newsletters and platform visits will become aligned and personalized.

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