Last week we have released uMarketingSuite 1.6. In this version of the uMarketingSuite we have introduced permissions for Document Types and Content Apps, Analytics optimizations and a whole bunch of UI fixes.
Try it out? Go to Our Umbraco or install the package via NuGet.
Analytics - include subpages
It is now possible to include all children pages in your analytics with just one click. There is a new checkbox "Include data of subpages". This is especially useful if you have a multi-site installation and only want to know the data of a specific site.
Document type permissions
In this section you can specify per doctype which content apps are allowed on each document type. These permission can only be applied to non-element types.
Please be aware that these document type permissions are combined with the user group permissions. So if you for some reason do not see the content app, please check your user group permission as well.
User group permissions
We received feedback that it would be very welcome to set permissions for certain User groups. In this new section you can specify which Umbraco user groups have access to which uMarketingSuite features.
UI and functionality improvements
The following optimizations and improvements are included in this release of the uMarketingSuite:
- Analytics - Remember number of items on a page
- Analytics - Include year number in comparison
- Analytics - Make it impossible to select a date in the future
- Analytics - Visual improvement if it is possible to drill-down
- Analytics - Visual improvements Content App
- Analytics - Table sorting improved
- Analytics - Annotation, add icon and on hover show relevant info
- Analytics - Open urls in a new window
- Personalization - Possibility to add description to a variant
- Personalization - Expand journey's and persona's by default if it contains data
- Installation - Clear error message that SQL CE is not supported
- And a lot more.....
Bugfixes / improvements
- Problem with version 1.5 requires rights on settings section for each user
- Performance slowing down and deadlocks
- Issue with HTML Minification
- Other minor bugfixes
If you find any bugs? Please report them to us on Github: https://github.com/uMarketingSolutions/uMarketingSuite
Obtaining a license
Check out our pricing page on uMarketingSuite.com for a complete overview of the available bundles and pricing. Interested in becoming a uMarketingSuite partner with a lot of partner benefits? Go to our partner page.
What is next?
In the current sprint we are working on:
- Personalization Insights
- Splitview improvements
- UI improvements