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Product Update: July 2024 - Updated GA4 event tracking


Date: July 2024

We have some important updates to share with you regarding our GA4 event tracking. As you may know, Google has recently phased out Google Universal Analytics as of July 1st. A week before this change, Google also updated how GA4 events are sent to their platform. This sudden update impacted our bridging script, which meant that GA4 event tracking in uMarketingSuite temporarily stopped working. GA4 tracking in Google Analytics remained unaffected.

Google Analytics 4 bridging script update

What Happened?
Our bridging script is designed to send GA4 events to uMarketingSuite. With the unexpected changes from Google, our script could no longer capture the events correctly, which disrupted the GA4 event tracking in uMarketingSuite.

Our Solution
We have worked quickly to resolve this issue. We are pleased to announce that the latest releases of uMarketingSuite v1 and v2 now support the new GA4 event structure. This means that your GA4 events will once again be captured correctly in uMarketingSuite.

How to Update
To ensure you continue to get accurate GA4 event tracking, please update your uMarketingSuite to the latest version. The updates are available on NuGet since last week, and we recommend that all users upgrade as soon as possible.

Need Help?
If you have any questions or need assistance with the update, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@umarketingsuite.com. Our support team is here to help you.

If you find any bugs? Please report them to us on Github: https://github.com/uMarketingSolutions/uMarketingSuite
Do you want more information about upgrading, read more here.

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What is next?

  • Campaign insights
  • Umbraco 14 support

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